Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society (WMAS).
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to bring together accordionists and promote accordion music in the national capital region.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Membership in the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society shall be open to any individual or household with an interest in the purposes of the organization, upon payment of the appropriate dues.
Section 2. Individual or household members shall be eligible to vote, hold office, serve on committees, and attend meetings.
Section 3. Annual dues (including a policy of prorating dues for members who join during the year) shall be determined by the executive committee. The fiscal year for WMAS shall begin on January 1 of a calendar year and continue through December 31 of that year.
Article IV. Officers and the Executive Committee
Section 1. The officers of the organization shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer. These officers, and the standing committee chairpersons, shall constitute the executive committee, and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the organization between its meetings, and perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws. The committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the president at the beginning of each year. Decisions made by the executive committee shall be based upon a majority vote of the members present at any executive committee meeting at which a quorum is present. Each person shall have one vote. If a person holds more than one position, he/she shall still have only one vote.
Section 2. The president, or in his/her absence, the vice president, shall preside over all meetings of the organization and of the executive committee. If both of these officers shall be absent from any meeting of the organization or executive committee, a temporary chairman may be chosen at such a meeting by those attending. The president and vice president also shall perform such other duties as they may severally be authorized or requested to do by the executive committee.
Section 3. The treasurer of the organization shall keep the accounts and have charge of all the funds of the organization; shall collect all annual dues and other payments due to the organization; and shall make all payments for the organization. The treasurer shall prepare and present financial reports for each meeting of the organization and each meeting of the executive committee. The president or the treasurer shall sign, in the name of the organization, all written contracts and obligations of the organization as authorized.
The secretary of the organization shall keep a timely record of all meetings of the organization and executive committee and make it available. He/she shall conduct the correspondence of the organization and, as provided in these bylaws or any amendments thereof, give notice of all meetings of the organization and the executive committee. He/she shall keep a correct list of the name and address of every member of the organization as provided from time to time by each member or by the membership committee.
In the absence of the secretary or treasurer, or during a vacancy in the office of the secretary or treasurer, the duties of the secretary or treasurer may be performed by a temporary secretary or treasurer to be appointed by the executive committee.
Article V. Executive Committee
Section 1. The executive committee shall have the management and control of the organization, including all its property and affairs; the executive committee shall authorize the execution, on behalf of the organization, of such contracts and other instruments and the making of such payments by the organization as shall be deemed necessary or proper; the executive committee shall control the expenses and charges of the organization and authorize the employment of such professional assistance as may be deemed proper; and generally the executive committee shall act for the organization in all matters; provided, however, that all the powers conferred by this section of the bylaws shall be exercised subject to all other provisions of the bylaws.
Section 2. The executive committee shall enforce the observance of these bylaws and of all amendments thereof and from time to time may make, amend, and repeal such rules of procedure for the government and welfare of the organization as may seem expedient and as shall be consistent with these bylaws, or any amendments thereof, and shall enforce the rules so made. The executive committee also may prescribe, from time to time, rules for the admission to the privileges of the organization of persons who are not members of the organization; and the executive committee shall have the power to extend the privileges of the organization to any person for such period as they may prescribe, subject to the power of the executive committee to withdraw such privileges at any time.
Section 3. No member of the organization is authorized to incur any unbudgeted financial obligation without the prior approval of a majority of the executive committee.
Section 4. Upon the resignation of a member of the executive committee, or a vacancy for any other reason, the president shall appoint a replacement, with the consent of the executive committee and ratification by the organization's membership at which a quorum is present. Any officer of the organization, including any member of the executive committee, may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of the membership.
Article VI. Elections and Terms of Office
Section 1. The officers shall be elected at the January meeting of the organization, by the method determined by the executive committee, and shall, except in case of death, resignation, or removal, serve for one year or until their successors shall be elected. The term of office of the officers shall begin on the first day following their election. Upon election of a new president, the new president shall then appoint the various committee chairpersons that will be part of the executive committee.
Section 2. A nominating committee of three members shall be appointed by the president at the regular September meeting. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the general meeting in January. The nominating committee shall report their nominations at the regular meeting in October. Nominations from the floor shall be permitted at the November meeting preceding the general meeting in January whereby the elections will be held.
Article VII. Meetings and Quorums
Section 1. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held monthly. Executive committee meetings shall be held as requested by the president or by two or more executive committee members.
Section 2. Special meetings of the organization may be called at any time by the president or vice president or by the executive committee acting in response to a petition by members of the organization.
Section 3. Twenty (20) percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business of the organization.
Section 4. There shall be no voting by proxy. Each member, whether holding an individual membership or as part of a household membership (as of January 2006), shall be entitled to one vote on any question at any meeting. Unless otherwise provided, a majority of those present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall decide any question.
Section 5. The executive committee shall meet at least semiannually to plan and execute the programs of the organization and shall set the dates, times, and places of the regular meetings. Meetings of the executive committee may be called at any time by the president or the vice president, or by any two members of the executive committee. Notice of each meeting shall be given to each member of the executive committee by written or oral notice at least twenty-four hours prior to the day of holding such meeting, but the presence of any member of the executive committee shall be deemed the equivalent of due and sufficient notice to him/her, and any member of the executive committee may waive notice of any meeting of the executive committee. A quorum of the executive committee shall be one more than half the members, and a majority of a quorum present shall, unless otherwise provided, be entitled to take any action.
Section 6. It shall be the duty of each member of the organization to give the secretary his/her correct address to be recorded on the membership list, and notice of every meeting of the organization shall be transmitted by the secretary via email.
Article VIII. Amendment of Bylaws
Proposals for additions to, or amendments of, these bylaws may be made by the executive committee or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members attending any meeting of the organization provided a quorum is present. The executive committee then is required to present the proposals for amendments to the entire membership by mail. Amendments shall take effect upon approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots received.
Article IX. Committees
Other activities of the organization will be performed by various committees. Each committee shall have a committee chairperson who will be part of the executive committee. Committees shall be appointed by the president. Such normal standing committees would be special events, membership, and public relations. The president may also appoint special "ad hoc" committees for a unique or temporary purpose. The chairpersons for these types of committees would not be a member of the executive committee, but may be invited to executive committee meetings as determined by the president.
Article X. Conduct
WMAS welcomes everyone. In support of the WMAS Purpose (see Article II), all members and attendees will conduct themselves in a responsible and appropriate manner at all WMAS events, including meetings, concerts, and public appearances.
Irresponsible and inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to, any form of sexual harassment; any form of harassment or discrimination based on individual characteristics such as race, color, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, and similar; unwelcome jokes, remarks, or physical contact; showing disrespect for others and/or their property; initiating debates of a political nature unrelated to the WMAS Purpose; creating a hostile environment; and behaving or speaking in such a manner as to make others uncomfortable.
Members shall report irresponsible and/or inappropriate behavior to any Executive Committee member for review. The Executive Committee shall review all such reports in a consistent and equitable manner. Any member or attendee found to have demonstrated irresponsible and/or inappropriate behavior may be barred from WMAS membership and/or events at the Executive Committee’s discretion. The organization’s liability shall be limited to the refunding of any previously paid dues for the current year.
(This article was adopted May 19, 2019.)
The name of this organization shall be the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society (WMAS).
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to bring together accordionists and promote accordion music in the national capital region.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Membership in the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society shall be open to any individual or household with an interest in the purposes of the organization, upon payment of the appropriate dues.
Section 2. Individual or household members shall be eligible to vote, hold office, serve on committees, and attend meetings.
Section 3. Annual dues (including a policy of prorating dues for members who join during the year) shall be determined by the executive committee. The fiscal year for WMAS shall begin on January 1 of a calendar year and continue through December 31 of that year.
Article IV. Officers and the Executive Committee
Section 1. The officers of the organization shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer. These officers, and the standing committee chairpersons, shall constitute the executive committee, and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the organization between its meetings, and perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws. The committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the president at the beginning of each year. Decisions made by the executive committee shall be based upon a majority vote of the members present at any executive committee meeting at which a quorum is present. Each person shall have one vote. If a person holds more than one position, he/she shall still have only one vote.
Section 2. The president, or in his/her absence, the vice president, shall preside over all meetings of the organization and of the executive committee. If both of these officers shall be absent from any meeting of the organization or executive committee, a temporary chairman may be chosen at such a meeting by those attending. The president and vice president also shall perform such other duties as they may severally be authorized or requested to do by the executive committee.
Section 3. The treasurer of the organization shall keep the accounts and have charge of all the funds of the organization; shall collect all annual dues and other payments due to the organization; and shall make all payments for the organization. The treasurer shall prepare and present financial reports for each meeting of the organization and each meeting of the executive committee. The president or the treasurer shall sign, in the name of the organization, all written contracts and obligations of the organization as authorized.
The secretary of the organization shall keep a timely record of all meetings of the organization and executive committee and make it available. He/she shall conduct the correspondence of the organization and, as provided in these bylaws or any amendments thereof, give notice of all meetings of the organization and the executive committee. He/she shall keep a correct list of the name and address of every member of the organization as provided from time to time by each member or by the membership committee.
In the absence of the secretary or treasurer, or during a vacancy in the office of the secretary or treasurer, the duties of the secretary or treasurer may be performed by a temporary secretary or treasurer to be appointed by the executive committee.
Article V. Executive Committee
Section 1. The executive committee shall have the management and control of the organization, including all its property and affairs; the executive committee shall authorize the execution, on behalf of the organization, of such contracts and other instruments and the making of such payments by the organization as shall be deemed necessary or proper; the executive committee shall control the expenses and charges of the organization and authorize the employment of such professional assistance as may be deemed proper; and generally the executive committee shall act for the organization in all matters; provided, however, that all the powers conferred by this section of the bylaws shall be exercised subject to all other provisions of the bylaws.
Section 2. The executive committee shall enforce the observance of these bylaws and of all amendments thereof and from time to time may make, amend, and repeal such rules of procedure for the government and welfare of the organization as may seem expedient and as shall be consistent with these bylaws, or any amendments thereof, and shall enforce the rules so made. The executive committee also may prescribe, from time to time, rules for the admission to the privileges of the organization of persons who are not members of the organization; and the executive committee shall have the power to extend the privileges of the organization to any person for such period as they may prescribe, subject to the power of the executive committee to withdraw such privileges at any time.
Section 3. No member of the organization is authorized to incur any unbudgeted financial obligation without the prior approval of a majority of the executive committee.
Section 4. Upon the resignation of a member of the executive committee, or a vacancy for any other reason, the president shall appoint a replacement, with the consent of the executive committee and ratification by the organization's membership at which a quorum is present. Any officer of the organization, including any member of the executive committee, may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of the membership.
Article VI. Elections and Terms of Office
Section 1. The officers shall be elected at the January meeting of the organization, by the method determined by the executive committee, and shall, except in case of death, resignation, or removal, serve for one year or until their successors shall be elected. The term of office of the officers shall begin on the first day following their election. Upon election of a new president, the new president shall then appoint the various committee chairpersons that will be part of the executive committee.
Section 2. A nominating committee of three members shall be appointed by the president at the regular September meeting. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the general meeting in January. The nominating committee shall report their nominations at the regular meeting in October. Nominations from the floor shall be permitted at the November meeting preceding the general meeting in January whereby the elections will be held.
Article VII. Meetings and Quorums
Section 1. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held monthly. Executive committee meetings shall be held as requested by the president or by two or more executive committee members.
Section 2. Special meetings of the organization may be called at any time by the president or vice president or by the executive committee acting in response to a petition by members of the organization.
Section 3. Twenty (20) percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business of the organization.
Section 4. There shall be no voting by proxy. Each member, whether holding an individual membership or as part of a household membership (as of January 2006), shall be entitled to one vote on any question at any meeting. Unless otherwise provided, a majority of those present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall decide any question.
Section 5. The executive committee shall meet at least semiannually to plan and execute the programs of the organization and shall set the dates, times, and places of the regular meetings. Meetings of the executive committee may be called at any time by the president or the vice president, or by any two members of the executive committee. Notice of each meeting shall be given to each member of the executive committee by written or oral notice at least twenty-four hours prior to the day of holding such meeting, but the presence of any member of the executive committee shall be deemed the equivalent of due and sufficient notice to him/her, and any member of the executive committee may waive notice of any meeting of the executive committee. A quorum of the executive committee shall be one more than half the members, and a majority of a quorum present shall, unless otherwise provided, be entitled to take any action.
Section 6. It shall be the duty of each member of the organization to give the secretary his/her correct address to be recorded on the membership list, and notice of every meeting of the organization shall be transmitted by the secretary via email.
Article VIII. Amendment of Bylaws
Proposals for additions to, or amendments of, these bylaws may be made by the executive committee or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members attending any meeting of the organization provided a quorum is present. The executive committee then is required to present the proposals for amendments to the entire membership by mail. Amendments shall take effect upon approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots received.
Article IX. Committees
Other activities of the organization will be performed by various committees. Each committee shall have a committee chairperson who will be part of the executive committee. Committees shall be appointed by the president. Such normal standing committees would be special events, membership, and public relations. The president may also appoint special "ad hoc" committees for a unique or temporary purpose. The chairpersons for these types of committees would not be a member of the executive committee, but may be invited to executive committee meetings as determined by the president.
Article X. Conduct
WMAS welcomes everyone. In support of the WMAS Purpose (see Article II), all members and attendees will conduct themselves in a responsible and appropriate manner at all WMAS events, including meetings, concerts, and public appearances.
Irresponsible and inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to, any form of sexual harassment; any form of harassment or discrimination based on individual characteristics such as race, color, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, and similar; unwelcome jokes, remarks, or physical contact; showing disrespect for others and/or their property; initiating debates of a political nature unrelated to the WMAS Purpose; creating a hostile environment; and behaving or speaking in such a manner as to make others uncomfortable.
Members shall report irresponsible and/or inappropriate behavior to any Executive Committee member for review. The Executive Committee shall review all such reports in a consistent and equitable manner. Any member or attendee found to have demonstrated irresponsible and/or inappropriate behavior may be barred from WMAS membership and/or events at the Executive Committee’s discretion. The organization’s liability shall be limited to the refunding of any previously paid dues for the current year.
(This article was adopted May 19, 2019.)